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Deborah Hollins

Bringing Goddess into Your Life: A New Year’s Guide to Divine Empowerment

As the calendar turns and we embark on the emerging energy of a new year, may you invite the presence of the Sacred Feminine into your life. For it is She who holds the power to guide, heal, and empower us.

In a world that often focuses on external achievements and productivity, She reminds us to reconnect with our inner wisdom, our intuition, and our sacred power. She encourages us to honour both our light and our shadow, to practice an embodied faith, and to embrace the ebb and flow of life.

I suggest a few ways for you to begin to welcome Her into your life and daily routine:

1. Embrace Her Archetypes: Recognize Goddess Within You

Every woman is created in the image of Goddess.  She breathes Her wisdom in the womb that carries us, it lives deep within. Remembering Her ways, is as close as our breath, as accessible as air.

Every woman carries within her the qualities and the gifts of Goddess. Whether you identify with the nurturing love of Aine (Celtic Goddess of Love), the fierce independence of Macha, or the creative wisdom of Brigit, each Goddess offers a unique aspect of powerful feminine energy that you can embrace and call into yourself. Take time to explore different goddesses and what they represent.

Consider what qualities you need more of in your life and align with that goddess. For example:

  • Ceridwen for transformation and letting go of what no longer serves you.

  • The Morrigan for courage, and action taking.

  • Danu, Mother Goddess for embodying wisdom, magic and healing.

  • Epona for freedom and protection.


Choose a quality you wish to call into your life and then call upon the Goddess who embodies that quality.  Write a prayer to Her, honouring Her gifts and teachings, and call Her energy into you as you visualize Her quality flowing into you and your life as you take intentional steps toward your evolution.

2. Set Sacred Intentions with Goddess’s Guidance

She can help you clarify your intentions and manifest your desires. Instead of focusing on resolutions, consider setting intentions that align with the Sacred Feminine: intentions rooted in creativity, healing, sovereignty and wisdom.


  • Create a vision board or an altar centred upon Her and Her teachings, choosing symbols, images, and affirmations of what you desire to manifest.

    • Include your desire for growth, placing each image with a prayer.

    • Hang this in your room or somewhere that you can see it each day, realigning with your intentions when needed.

The three-fold archetype known as the Triple Goddess

3. Create Sacred Space for Goddess

Sacred space is essential for connecting with our Spirit and with the Sacred. Whether it’s a dedicated altar or a comfortable space for drumming and meditation, creating an environment honouring Goddess can help cultivate a deeper connection with the Her.

A space, or an altar, is an external manifestation of our internal experience of the Sacred.  When we make the internal experience concrete, we can then interact with it and strengthen our relationship to our spiritual evolution.


  • Set up a small altar with items that represent Goddess to you—stones, candles, flowers, images, crystals, or essential oils.

    • Dedicate this space to your spiritual practice, and visit it regularly to meditate, reflect, or simply honour Her presence.

    • Be sure to keep it free from clutter and dust…. honour your sacred space by ensuring it is treated with respect and reverence.

4. Honour the Cycles of Nature

The Goddess is deeply connected to the cycles of the natural world—the phases of the moon, the seasons, and the rhythms of life itself. By attuning yourself to these cycles, you align with the natural flow of the universe and tap into a wellspring of divine wisdom.


  • Track the moon’s phases and use them as times for reflection, release, and intention-setting. For example, the New Moon (present on December 30th) is a time for new beginnings, while the Full Moon is a time for release and letting go.

  • Place natural items on your altar that reflect the time of year.

  • Create offerings from nature to present to Her in your ceremonies…align these with the season (flowers for spring/summer, pinecones/fallen leaves for autumn, etc.)

5. Trust Your Intuition: Listen to Goddess Within

Goddess speaks to us through our intuition, gut feelings, and inner knowing. In this new year, commit to listening to your inner voice, strengthening your trust in your instincts, and take inspired action from that place of knowing.


  • Set aside time each day to sit in stillness and listen. Practice meditation or journaling to deepen your connection to your inner wisdom.

  • When making decisions, ask yourself, “What is my heart telling me?” Trust that the Goddess is guiding you.

6. Walk the Path of Empowerment

She is the ultimate symbol of power—not power over others, but power within. Empower yourself by taking stock of your life and see where there may be areas that require you to speak your truth, create boundaries, soften your stance or reach out for support.


  • Come to an intimate knowing of what you desire and how you want your life to look; be creative and unrestrained!

  • Surround yourself with women who empower and uplift you. Goddess thrives in sisterhood, and by coming together in sacred space, we amplify our collective power.

Conclusion: A Year of Sacred Connection

In this new year, allow Goddess to be your guide, inspiration, and inner compass. Trust in Her wisdom, flow with Her cycles, and embrace Her sacred energy as it unfolds within you. Remember that you are never alone—She is always with you, ready to empower you to live a life filled with grace, strength, and boundless love.

If you are new to Goddess faith, may this year be a year of experiential learning and deepening as you live under the protection of Her wisdom and love.

Bíodh sé amhlaidh!

What is your experience with calling Her into your life, walking Her path and learning Her ways? Would love to read your thoughts!



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