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Goddess Faith-Based Circle

Bringing Her Through

Weaving the threads of connection and community

A Goddess faith-based gathering
Creating sacred space ~ Grounding into Body ~ Naming Intention ~ Guided Journeying ~ Ritual ~ Drumming ~ Sharing

Women's Spiritual gatherings in circles have existed since the dawn of humanity. Through ritual art and relics discovered throughout time, we know humans have gathered in circles to commune, feast and share stories. Early egalitarian societies honoured the powerful feminine forces of healing, deep listening and communication, dream work and meaning-making. The Sacred Feminine, She, was the central and crucial Creator to these ancient folks.


In this offering, we continue this tradition, focusing on our relationship with Her, the Sacred Feminine, through community, ritual, drumming, and ceremony. We honour the truth of all in the circle and seek to broaden our wisdom by weaving the threads to connect us to deep ancestral connection and memory.

Please note that this is not a drop-in group and requires a commitment to attend on Friday evenings as regularly as possible. Missing 3 Friday’s in a row may result in being asked to review your commitment.

South Nanaimo // Friday 6:30pm – until we are done

Please email for details or to be placed on the wait-list

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