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Deborah began her healing practice more than 30 years ago, training in body-focused therapies, dance/movement, energy healing, and shamanic healing.  Training with various teachers in shamanic journeying, soul retrieval, Celtic spirituality and the role of nature in healing the mind, body and soul Deborah has woven together a unique blend of offerings.  She has been facilitating women’s healing circles for 25 years.


Having deeply explored the role of psychedelic plant medicine in the healing journey, Deborah has combined her knowledge of ceremony, healing and integration and offers guidance on the role medicine can play in your journey.  She creates new possibilities for healing in the sacred way that plant medicines offer.

My best teachers have been those with whom I have sat in circle; danced, drummed, laughed and cried with, and been privileged to learn from their collective stories, wisdom and experiences.


  • Trauma informed counseling*

  • Shamanic healing practices

  • Reiki and Master Teacher since 2001

  • Integrative body psychotherapy: a holistic approach to treatment that supports a person’s somatic experience as a path to self-awareness. To gain insight into one’s own self, one’s experiences must be felt in the core, and this integration of mind, body, and spirit can facilitate healing.

  • 5 rhythms dance (healing through movement)

  • Celtic spirituality and healing practices

  • Psychedelic Therapy online course (Phoenix Academy) and Psychedelic Integration (Centre of the Heart)


Deborah has mentored and apprenticed many students through her wisdom-school (The Whispering Earth School of Remembering) in the healing arts.


*although trained in trauma informed counseling, Deborah is not a licensed clinical therapist/counselor.

I believe Deborah answers to a sacred calling to tend to the healing of our Mother Earth and all life on Her and everything she does is in service to this loving prayer.

There are some people who claim to have skill and knowledge in an area and yet upon examination you find that they simply took a weekend course and are now suddenly an ‘expert’. 

If Deborah is leading, facilitating, teaching or guiding something it is because she has studied deeply and attentively for an extended period of time.  It means you can trust she has put body, soul, spirit and heart into the craft. Then, with humility, generosity, humour and kindness she shares her knowledge with others.

If you are considering engaging in any of Deborah’s offerings- do not hesitate- I am sure it will change your life in profoundly beautiful ways- as it has changed mine.

Tracy Myers, Registered Clinical Counsellor

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