Soul Retrieval
Reunite with lost fragments of self.
What to Expect
It is common, when traumatized, for the individual to “fragment” or “split off” which may result later in life in depression, feeling lost, directionless, unclear or in interrupted memory. Through Soul Retrieval the client can then begin to work on healing with their whole self recovered. HOW TO PREPARE FOR SOUL RETRIEVAL Prior to the session you may want to ask yourself the following questions, perhaps recording the answers in a journal: 1. What could be the circumstances of loss of your soul parts (when did you last feel ‘whole’, what was happening at that time in your life)? 2. How will your life be different as a result of retrieving lost fragments? What do you desire in the future? You may want to tell someone about your intentions to recover these pieces and what you might be hoping for. You may also want to invite a close friend or relative to the session with you to record the process and witness this sacred event in your life. DURING THE CEREMONY We will call upon your ancestors, spirit guide(s) and sacred familiar to be present with you. You will lay down upon a massage table and I will begin with energy work, clearing your energy field. The ceremony itself is deeply sacred and not to be shared here, however, you will be actively involved as is customary in shamanic healing (you as agent of your own process). *Please note that a Soul Retrieval may take anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours* AFTER THE CEREMONY Integration of returned soul fragments is crucial for healing and the ways to do this will be discussed and a plan will be designed with and for you over the 3 days after the ceremony.
Contact Details
Nanaimo, BC, Canada